Highpost Hitch

Written by Binod Gautam

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The Highpost Hitch is a quick release hitch that is used to tie boats around the post or pile.

It is tied like a Slipped Buntline hitch but with an extra half turn wrapped to make it more secure.

Plus, it is easier to tie and untie.

Highpost Hitch Details

Type: Hitch

Other Names: Highpoint Hitch

ABoK Reference: #398, #1809

How to Tie a Highpost Hitch

  • step1-highpost-hitch
  1. Wrap the rope around the object and pass it over and under the standing end.
  2. Move the working end over and under the rope moving towards the object.
  3. Make a bight and feed it through the loop below the standing end.
  4. Tighten the knot.

To untie, pull the working end of the rope. It will spill the whole knot apart completely.

Variations of Highpost Hitch

The high post Hitch tied in the bight (ABoK #1810) is another variation of this Hitch. 

To tie this hitch knot,

  1. Wrap the bight around the object
  2. Bring it over the standing part. 
  3. Tuck the bight into the loop.

The knot spills immediately when the rope is drawn back.

Applications and Uses

The Highpost Hitch is used at sea, especially when you need to tie boats and the tide might leave the knot out of reach.

It is used for camping, outdoors and everyday use where a slipped hitch knot is required.

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Hitch KnotsBoating Knots

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