Slipped Buntline Hitch

Written by Binod Gautam

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If you’re looking for a secure hitch with a quick-release attribute, the Slipped Buntline Hitch is your best bet.

It is tied similarly to Buntline Hitch but with the bight passing through on the final step instead of the end.

This little adjustment gives it a quick release feature, making it easy to untie—most of the time.

Let’s check out this hitch in detail.


Type: Hitch

ABoK Reference: #397, #1712, #1807

How to Tie Slipped Buntline Hitch

  • step1-slipped-buntline-hitch
  1. Pass the working end around the object and go over and under the standing end.
  2. Bring the working end back to the front of the knot.
  3. Make a bight and feed the bight through the loop.
  4. Tighten the knot.

To untie, just pull the bight back through the knot by tugging firmly on the free end.

Alternatives to Slipped Buntline Hitch

If you are looking for something more secure, the Slipped Highpost Hitch (ABoK #398) is the preferred alternative.

It is similar to the Buntline Hitch, but with a small variation to make it more secure.


The difference is fairly subtle—before feeding the bight through the loop we wrap an extra turn —the rest of the process remains the same.

Applications and Uses

The Slipped Buntline Hitch is used in applications where you need a quick-release hitch.

It is perfect for securing animals to posts and fences, attaching guylines to a tarp, and many more. 

Its performance is unaffected by the cross-sectional shape of the hitching object, so if the object to be tied is large, a slipped buntline hitch is still beneficial.

Pros and Cons


  • Secure and reliable
  • Easy to tie and untie
  • Handy for objects with large cross-sectional areas


  • Difficult to untie if used with larger, high friction ropes

Warning: Like other slip knots, we don’t recommend the Slipped Buntline Hitch for critical applications where human life is at stake.

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