Stevedore Stopper Knot

Written by Binod Gautam

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Stevedore is a secure and bulky stopper knot that is ideal for keeping the rope from slipping through an opening, like a grommet, a ring, or a hole.

In “The Ashley Book of Knots,” it’s described as a single-strand knot that prevents a rope end from unreeving.

It is an extension of a simple Figure Eight knot with an additional turn before the end is finally tightened.


There are two popular theory about the origin of the name “stevedore.”

One theory suggests that the name “Stevedore” is believed to come from the stevedores—the workers who used this knot to load and unload cargo from ships. 

However, another source, “The Art of Knotting and Splicing” by Cyrus Day, suggests the name might have originated from an 1890 pamphlet by the C.W. Hunt Company, which sold ropes under that name.


Here’s how to tie Stevedore stopper knot:

  • step1-stevedore-stopper-knot
  1. Form a bight and cross it over the standing part, making an overhand loop.
  2. Pass the working end under the standing part.
  3. Cross the working end over the standing part.
  4. Tuck the working end back through the loop.
  5. Pull both ends of the rope to tighten the knot.

Type: Stopper

Similar knots Figure 8 Knot

Other Name: Double Figure Eight knot

ABoK Reference: #456, #522

Applications and Uses

Stevedore knot is primarily used in maritime and cargo handling operations due to its reliability and ease of use.

One of its advantages is that it is easy to untie even after being subjected to heavy load.

Traditionally it is when loading and unloading ships. It helps to secure cranes, pulleys to prevent rope used to prevent a cargo fall end from unreeving.

In modern day use, it’s a great knot for setting up tarps. It helps secure the end from slipping through the grommet.

Additionally, it is used as a backup knot for securing other knots like Figure Eight follow through knots.


Although the Stevedore knot is a reliable knot, it can slip if not tied correctly or if subjected to dynamic loads.

Always check the environmental conditions like wet or icy conditions which can reduce the knot’s holding power. 

Regularly inspect the wear and abrasion on the rope over time.

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